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Lesser Nectar Trolls

© 2021 Rachel Martin (Cartoon Creature Lover) | All rights reserved.

Lesser Nectar Trolls are a small species of feathered troll who notably lack upper arms, have prehensile tails, & possess incredibly long & sticky prehensile tongues. These mischievous fey love to trick humans & other humanoids, often taking trinkets & food for themselves. These creatures are a lot smarter, cunning, & conscious than they appear, which is why they’re master thieves & tricksters.









Lesser Nectar Trolls are omnivores & will eat bugs, grubs, slugs, small snakes, mice, small fish, oysters, small crabs, as well as eat flowers, honey, honeycombs, fruit, & vegetables.

Lesser Nectar Trolls farther from any towns or cities purely forage, hunt, & scavenge for their food. Their iconic pendant nests are purely made out of grass, straw, vines, & flowers. Lesser Nectar Trolls closer to towns & cities will still get the majority of their food from the wilderness, but will also happily take the unique resources that being located closely to a civilization of humanoids can provide. Food wise, they’ll eat any leftovers the Dullatrolls leave out for them. Many Dullatroll homes are constructed in a way that provides an area for Lesser Nectar Trolls to forage & hunt for flowers & bugs.

They build strong hanging “pendant” nests on tree branches. These nests are usually around 3 feet in diameter & are usually about 2-4 feet tall; often having a teardrop shape. The entrance hole is usually built on one of the sides & is high enough so no one falls out, but everyone can get in & out easily. They build “doors” that block the outside elements from coming in out of any material they can find. These “doors” are usually made out of dirt, grass, sticks, & bark woven & “glued” together with the dirt. These hanging nests are usually built to be thick enough to where if the nest were to fall down during a storm of other circumstance, the Lesser Nectar Trolls inside would only sustain minor injuries, if any at all.

Lesser Nectar Trolls often decorate the inside of their nests with flowers & bones, some even making garlands of the bones & flowers from meals past.

They often steal fabric goods from travelling humanoid creatures to line their nests. These goods usually include smaller articles of clothing such as socks, gloves, & undergarments. If they do not have access to fabric, they usually use feathers, flowers, grass, & other animal’s & troll’s fur.

Lesser Nectar Trolls that live closer to towns & cities have some notable changes in their homes. Instead of building their nests on tree branches, they may try to build their nests hanging off of any other structures similar to branches; this includes but isn’t limited to, home roofs, inside of barns/any buildings with ceiling beams & posts, hanging signs outside of shops & other businesses, etc.

To build their nests, they will still use the usual grass, straw, vines, & flowers, but the lining & decor is significantly different than Lesser Nectar Trolls farther from civilizations. The warm & soft lining of their nests have been found to made from Dullatroll hair & fur purposefully left out for them, undergarments, pillows, handkerchiefs, hats, gloves, socks, shirts, pants, skirts, & even stuffed toys.

Their decor still includes flowers & bones, but often includes buttons, beads, rings, thimbles, necklace pendants, & sometimes stolen pairs of glasses.

Lesser Nectar Trolls are usually nude, but are capable of making jewelry for themselves & each other to wear. They usually make their jewelry out of bones, old nuts, dead bugs, vines, & flowers, & stolen materials such as beads. They know how to pierce each other’s ears & can make earrings. Most of their jewelry is made from bones & braided plant stems because they’re the least fragile.

The ones that live closer to towns & cities may be able to steal jewelry, have access to beads to make their own jewelry, steal fabrics & additional materials to make their own clothes, or have clothes made for them by the citizens of the civilization. Lesser Nectar Trolls closer to civilizations have been seen wearing pants, hoods, vests, capes, gloves, & fingerless gloves.

Lesser Nectar Trolls don’t seem to celebrate any holidays, as it doesn’t seem they are creatures with belief systems. However, it has been found that they will “celebrate” when given food, a material, or object they like. They tend to do a little dance when they’re happy.

They have been found to hold dance parties where they’ll dance for awhile, usually early in the morning before the sun has risen, & pass out from exhaustion. It’s currently unknown why they do this, but it has been widely agreed that it is annoying when they hold a dance party on your roof at 5 in the morning. They tend to jump up & down, & chant & chirp as loudly as they can for as long as they can. If you stop them from completing their “ritual,” they’ll continue to come back until you let them finish & pass out.

It’s theorized that they are trying to ward off evil spirits & bad luck from your home or just from the area, which is possibly why they’re extremely persistent that you leave them be & let them finish. They do tend to hold these “dance parties” in locations they visit often.

Features & Design Rules

Some Examples Of Lesser Nectar Trolls

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