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Shadow Mounts

© 2019 Rachel Martin (Cartoon Creature Lover) | All rights reserved.

Few people know of Dullatrolls or have knowingly seen one, but even fewer know of a Dullatroll’s companion, the Shadow Mount. These large, greyscale fey are gifted to Dullatrolls shortly after they’re born to act as the Dullatroll’s guardian & bestest friend for the Dullatroll’s entire life; unless the Dullatroll does something so vile to their companion, they permanently lose the privilege to keep the goddess’ gift. Despite being all initially sculpted from the same dark clay before being brought to life, each Shadow Mount is different from each other, especially once fully grown. Due to their clay origins, Shadow Mounts can essentially mold their physical forms to present as almost anything they like, a horse with a dog’s mouth & four eyes, a weasel with a dragon’s head with ghost fur markings down their back, or just a really big beetle.


Shadow Mounts have highly adaptable bodies, capable of shape-shifting on a whim if they so pleased. Their physical forms are living manifestations of dark & shadowy fey magic that often resemble some sort of beast; all start off looking like animals, but some may become hybrids of animals over time. Because Shadow Mounts are magical animals that can change their appearances at any point in time, they can make the noises of other animals if they desired to. You can have a raccoon Shadow Mount who barks like a dog or a boar Shadow Mount who mews softly like a kitten.

Shadow Mounts do not need to eat, drink, or use the restroom. However, some Shadow Mounts enjoy eating foods & drinking drinks anyways. Since Shadow Mounts aren’t capable of using the restroom, it’s unknown as to what happens to the waste. One theory is that their magical bodies are able to break down the waste & it may convert into the shadows they seem to be made out of.

All Shadow Mounts are completely infertile as they all lack reproductive organs. They are completely sexless creatures. The way that Shadow Mounts’ genders are “figured out” is by trying out different pronouns for them. If they positively respond to a set or multiple sets of pronouns, you continue to use those pronouns for that Shadow Mount. It is also highly recommended to name that Shadow Mount in accordance to their pronouns & personality. Many Shadow Mounts go by at least two or three names by the time they’re 20 years old. Their Dullatroll companion names their Shadow Mount, as the Shadow Mount will not respond to a name given to them by any other Dullatroll. As the Dullatroll grows up, they may find better names to call their Shadow Mount by. Some Shadow Mounts still go by their first given names, so you may find some called “Monster,” “Shadow,” “Fluffy,” or even the animal they present as including “Lion,” “Foxy,” “Dragon,” etc.

Shadow Mounts are not born, for Shadow Mounts are not capable of reproducing. They seem to be “created” for every hoofling born. There is a belief that all, or at least a few of the best Dullatrolls who have proved themselves worthy, get to become Shadow Mounts & live for a potential additional 200 years at the maximum. No one knows how true this theory is, but there have been a few strange coincidences that add fuel to the fire.

Shadow Mount young are often “older” than their Dullatroll companions despite, technically, being younger. Specifically, they age faster & often act as older siblings/additional guardians to their hooflings. They play with them, comfort them if they get hurt, & will sleep closeby to them to both cuddle & keep them safe. If their hoofling is in danger from a threat, including but not limited to a kidnapper or monster, the Shadow Mount will attack the threat. By 3 years old, Shadow Mounts can bite/peck/attack hard enough to draw blood & bite off any fingers or toes.

Shadow Mounts are typically very large creatures because they have to be able to transport their Dullatroll companion, their equipment, & possible additional passengers. Most Shadow Mounts are about as big as cars & often weigh at least 1000 lbs as a result. Shadow Mounts range in height because of the many different creatures they can present as, but they are usually at least the same height of their Dullatroll; most surpassing their Dullatroll by at least a foot.

Some Shadow Mounts are fairly small, still being big enough for their Dullatroll companion to sit atop them, but often not having enough space for additional riders & only being able to hold a small amount of cargo. These Shadow Mounts are usually around the size of ponies & weigh half of a regular Shadow Mount. Small Shadow Mounts exist usually because their Dullatroll companion is disabled. For example, blind Dullatrolls usually have small Shadow Mounts! Their Shadow Mount usually takes the role of a Guide Animal. It mainly depends on what their Dullatroll needs & if the Shadow Mount feels like they need to take on a smaller or larger form to help their Dullatroll.


If a Shadow Mount’s Dullatroll becomes pregnant or their Dullatroll’s partner becomes pregnant, the Shadow Mount will do everything in their power to keep both the expecting individual & the baby/babies as safe as possible; similar to how dogs & cats have been seen doing this with their owners. Some may get nasty to the partner/partners & deem them a threat, while others may also protect the partner/partners as well or politely keep the partner/partners at a safe distance. Shadow Mounts will be extra protective if the individual who is pregnant is a Dullatroll. If a Dullatroll is expecting a baby, that also means that the Shadow Mounts are expecting a baby.

When Shadow Mounts are expecting babies, they will usually try to build nests for both the babies & the parents to sleep in. Some Dullatrolls allow their Shadow Mounts to build these giant nests, while others opt to buy a cushioned nest for their Shadow Mounts. Premade dog bed-like nests exist because Shadow Mounts will steal the softest materials, usually clothing to build these nests. Since this can cost businesses hundreds of gold lost, many provide premade nests to get Shadow Mounts to stop stealing as much or prevent theft altogether. Even though these nests are usually used as beds, the main purpose of Shadow Mounts building these highly comfortable nests is so the expecting individual can give birth in them. Dullatrolls who don’t have their babies at home, but in a birthing center will usually have their babies on cushioned, floor-level beds that are purposefully designed to be just like Shadow Mount baby nests.

Features & Design Rules

Some Examples Of Shadow Mounts

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